Moles occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural colour. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, and during pregnancy.
However, most of the moles are benign which means they are not cancerous, some can develop into melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer. If a mole starts to itch, bleed, or become painful, it is important to have it checked by a dermatologist and keep a constant watch on its shape, size, and texture of it.
When should a mole be removed by Laser?
Dr Jangid explained the difference between surgical mole removal and laser mole removal and most importantly what are the circumstances to perform either of them. It also depends on the type of mole, it can be superficial, flat, or pigmented. It is also important to know why it is necessary to remove the mole. Moles are common skin growths. You probably have more than one on your face and body. Most people have 10 to 40 moles somewhere on their skin. Most moles are harmless and nothing to worry about. Unless a mole is cancerous, you don’t need to have it removed unless it bothers you. But if you don’t like the way it affects your appearance, or if it’s getting irritated from rubbing against your clothes, removing the mole is still an option. Most moles are harmless and nothing to worry about. Unless a mole is cancerous, you don’t need to have it removed unless it bothers you. But if you don’t like the way it affects your appearance, or if it’s getting irritated from rubbing against your clothes, removing the mole is still an option. Ideally, the mole should be removed by surgery but if it’s raised and near delicate areas, then RFA can be done with good results.
Dr. Jangid Explained in this video, under which conditions laser mole removal treatment should be preferred.
Mole Removal Results:
Visit to see our Mole removal treatment results – https://skinqure.in/gallery/mole-removal/mole-removal-results/
Care after Skin tag / wart removal
Most people have 10 to 40 moles that appear during childhood and adolescence and may change in appearance or fade over time. It is a non-cancerous skin growth but you get it surgically removed if you want. There are basically two methods of removing a wart, skin tag, or mole that are Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) or CO2 Laser. The post-care routine for this is extremely simple where you just need to be careful about washing your twice a day and moisturising it only with the prescribed medical facewash and cream. You should avoid using any disinfectants over the surgical area like Dettol because it can yield infections and there is a heavy chance that you might get a spot from where the mole has been removed. Mole removal treats atypical moles anywhere on your face, neck, arms legs or torso. Your healthcare provider may recommend the removal of an atypical mole so they can run a test (biopsy) to see if the growth is cancerous (malignant) or precancerous. And if your dermatologist is able to remove the mole and achieves good margins (the area around the mole), mole removal may serve as a curative treatment for skin cancer that hasn’t spread. Your healthcare provider may also remove a mole if you’re unhappy with its location or appearance. So, the reason behind getting rid of the mole is clear and now it will be helpful in noticing what steps are involved in the post-care mole removal which are as follows – The foremost care tip is to avoid using any disinfectant like Dettol over the surgical part because it can cause infection. You should try to give your mole removal area time to heal and not touch it very often if not needed. After your surgery is completed you should wash your face twice and especially before sleeping and always moisturise it with the prescribed products. You should be careful while sleeping for the first 48 hours as it can damage your entire procedure.
In this video, Dr. Jangid is educating about moles and what are the essential steps of post-mole treatment.
As you comprehend, moles are the small non-cancerous growth on your body which can be easily removed by the doctors if it’s required. Lately, mole removal in South Delhi has been preferred many people. Moles can be bothering for your desired appearance. However, according to SkinQure if it starts to itch, pain, or bleed then you should immediately consult a proficient doctor.