Rosacea: Causes, Symptoms, Triggers and Treatment

Rosacea is a common, but often misunderstood, skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by redness, flushing, and sometimes acne-like bumps on the face....

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Rosacea: Causes, Symptoms, Triggers and Treatment

Rosacea is a common, but often misunderstood, skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by redness, flushing, and sometimes acne-like bumps on the face. While rosacea is not life-threatening, it can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life, affecting their self-esteem and confidence.

Understanding the causes, symptoms, triggers, and treatment options for rosacea is crucial for managing the condition effectively and improving the quality of life for those affected. By learning more about rosacea, individuals can take proactive steps to manage their symptoms and seek appropriate treatment when needed. 

In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of rosacea, including its causes, symptoms, triggers, and treatment options, to provide a comprehensive overview of this common skin condition.


Causes of Rosacea

The exact cause of rosacea is not fully understood, but several factors are believed to contribute to its development. 

Genetic factors play a significant role, as rosacea often runs in families. An overactive immune system may also play a role, causing inflammation and redness in the skin. 

Other potential causes of rosacea include abnormalities in the blood vessels of the face, which may contribute to the flushing and redness associated with the condition. 

Additionally, environmental factors such as sun exposure, hot weather, and certain foods or drinks may trigger or exacerbate rosacea symptoms in susceptible individuals. 


Symptoms of Rosacea:

Rosacea is characterized by a range of symptoms that can vary in severity from person to person. The most common symptoms of Rosacea include –

  • Flushing and redness: Persistent redness, often resembling a sunburn, that does not go away.
  • Visible blood vessels: Small, red lines that are visible on the skin (telangiectasia).
  • Thickening skin: The skin may thicken and develop a bumpy texture, especially on the nose (rhinophyma).
  • Burning or stinging sensations: The skin may feel hot, burning, or stinging, especially during flare-ups.
  • Dryness and itchiness: The skin may become dry, rough, and itchy, leading to discomfort.

These symptoms can vary in severity and may come and go over time. 


What Triggers Acne Rosacea?

Here’re main triggers for acne rosacea and avoiding these triggers can help manage rosacea symptoms and reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups –

  • Spicy foods: Spicy foods can cause flushing and redness in some individuals with rosacea.
  • Cinnamaldehyde-containing foods: Cinnamaldehyde, found in cinnamon and certain other foods, can trigger flushing and redness.
  • Alcohol: Consuming alcohol, especially red wine, can trigger or worsen rosacea symptoms.
  • Hot drinks: Hot beverages such as coffee and tea can cause flushing and increase blood flow to the skin.
  • Histamine-rich foods: Foods high in histamine, such as aged cheeses, fermented foods, and certain alcoholic beverages, can trigger flushing and other symptoms in some individuals.


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Treatment Options for Rosacea

Here are treatment options that can be used alone or in combination to effectively manage rosacea and improve the appearance of the skin.

  • Avoiding known triggers: Identifying and avoiding triggers that worsen rosacea symptoms can help manage the condition.
  • Topical creams and gels: Prescription and over-the-counter creams and gels containing ingredients like azelaic acid, metronidazole, or ivermectin can help reduce redness and inflammation.
  • Oral medications (antibiotics): In some cases, oral antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and control bacteria on the skin.
  • Lifestyle changes: Making lifestyle changes such as protecting the skin from the sun, avoiding hot beverages, and managing stress can help reduce rosacea symptoms and flare-ups.

Note that any ingredient or medication mentioned here should be taken only after a dermatologist’s prescription. 


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Impact and Side Effects of Rosacea:

The first signs of rosacea often start with redness (blushing) across the face,  and might be accompanied by a burning or stinging feeling. Rosacea primarily affects the face, including the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. 

Females in middle age, between 30 and 60 years old, are most affected by Rosacea. It often occurs in people with fair-skin and in women during menopause.

Rosacea tends to be most active during the winter months. Factors such as age, appearance (fair skin, blonde hair, blue eyes), and race/genetics (Celtic or Scandinavian ancestry) can increase the risk of developing rosacea. 


Management of Rosacea

Rosacea is not contagious and cannot be passed from person to person. It is a chronic skin condition that requires management and treatment to control symptoms.

Cold compress or towel dipped in cold water: Applying a cold compress or a towel dipped in cold water to the affected areas can help reduce redness and inflammation during flare-ups.

Stress and Rosacea: Emotional stress is a leading trigger for rosacea symptoms. Managing stress through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga can help reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups.

Dietary Considerations: Managing rosacea includes avoiding inflammatory foods and consuming anti-inflammatory foods such as fish high in omega-3, certain nuts and seeds, peanut butter, eggs, and olive oil.

Pain in Rosacea: While rosacea can cause stinging and burning sensations, the pain is usually not severe. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate any discomfort associated with these symptoms.


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Home Remedies for Rosacea:

These home remedies can complement medical treatments for rosacea and help manage symptoms effectively. 

  • Aloe vera: Applying aloe vera gel to the affected areas can help soothe inflammation and reduce redness.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can help moisturize the skin, reducing dryness and itchiness.
  • Lavender: Lavender essential oil has calming properties and can help reduce redness and irritation when applied to the skin.
  • Stress management: Practicing stress-reducing techniques such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help manage rosacea symptoms triggered by stress.
  • Sun protection: Protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays with sunscreen and wearing hats or clothing that cover the face can help prevent flare-ups caused by sun exposure.

It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced dermatologist before trying any new home remedies, especially if you have sensitive skin or allergies.


Professional Help in Rosacea Treatment:

A dermatologist like Dr. Jangid can create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific symptoms and skin type to effectively manage rosacea and improve the appearance of your skin.

Here are treatment options you can take –

  • Dermatologists: Dermatologists specialize in diagnosing and treating skin conditions, including rosacea. They can prescribe topical medications, oral antibiotics, and other treatments to manage rosacea symptoms effectively.
  • Laser therapy: Dermatologists may recommend laser therapy to reduce redness and visible blood vessels associated with rosacea.
  • Surgery: In severe cases of rosacea, surgery may be recommended to remove excess tissue or reshape the nose (rhinophyma).
  • Topical and oral antibiotics: Dermatologists may prescribe antibiotics to reduce inflammation and control bacteria on the skin, which can help manage rosacea symptoms.



Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Understanding its causes, symptoms, triggers, and treatment options is crucial for effectively managing the condition. By avoiding triggers, using topical creams and gels, and making lifestyle changes, individuals with rosacea can reduce the frequency and severity of flare-ups. 

Seeking professional help from a dermatologist can also provide personalized treatment options to manage rosacea effectively. With proper care and management, individuals with rosacea can improve the appearance of their skin and reduce the impact of this condition on their daily lives.

If you’re also facing rosacea problem or any other ancestry issues, visit SkinQure or simply call us at  +91 92665 55500. 


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