So, have you recently got a hair transplant done and are excited about your new look after a few months? Wow, that’s great. Also, are you anxious and uncomfortable because of itching and seeing some crusty formations on your scalp and wondering about these? Are these because of some side effects or was the surgery wasn’t good enough? Hold on and relax, these crusts or scabs are part of a normal healing process but it is also very important to remove scabs after a hair transplant. Through this article, we will walk you through all necessary information about what scabs are and how they are formed Scab or crust removal options, how should you deal with them and why should scabs after a hair transplant be removed?
Table of Contents
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
- What are scabs in hair transplants?
- How are scabs formed?
- Will the scabs affect hair follicles?
- How long do scabs fall off after a hair transplant?
- How to treat scabs after a hair transplant?
1. What are scabs in hair transplants?
Scabs are a part of the natural wound healing process. They are dry and rough crust-like structures that form a protective layer on the wounds and are made up of blood that gets dried up and crusts formed from dead tissue of the grafts which are put during the surgical process. They do not develop immediately, but usually 3-4 days after surgery and fall off on their own between 7-14 days.
2. How are scabs formed?
These scabs are formed as a result of trauma to the skin of your scalp during the surgery. Whenever our skin suffers any injury, our body system develops a blood clot to prevent blood loss. This clot is soft at the beginning, but as time passes, it hardens, dries, and develops a crusty appearance. As it dries, the underneath skin keeps healing and gradually this scab falls off. Similarly, during hair transplant surgery, the doctor makes small incisions on the scalp for grafting purposes, resulting in oozing out blood which in turn forms blood clots, and then these clots gradually turn into crusts or scabs.
3. Will the scabs affect hair follicles?
As we have learned that scab formation is a normal process and a protective layer over the newly embedded hair follicles, you might be thinking that they affect the hair follicles? and should they be removed? The answer is, generally these scabs do not affect the hair follicles. While they protect the hair follicles in the initial period after the surgery and fall off on their own, problems may arise when the scabs persist longer and do not fall off within the usual time frame. Then they need to be removed as they might deprive an efficient supply of air to the underlying follicles thus hampering their growth. Removing scabs promotes healing during this period.
4. How long do scabs fall off after a hair transplant?
The scabs formed after hair transplantations usually start falling off between 7-14 days after the surgery. At this time, they become dry, rough, and lightly attached to the scalp. The fall-off time varies from person to person and depends upon:
- The number of grafts that are embedded.
- How densely packed are they?
- The size of the incisions which are made at the recipient site.
When the scabs fall, short transplanted hair is also seen falling out with the scabs. Nothing to be panicky about, this is normal and hair falling out with scabs does not mean that the grafts are dislodged, it is only the hair that breaks and sheds. It is the root of the graft that will help in the growth of new hair and after the 5th day, the hair follicle graft is placed so well that it is difficult to remove even after pulling it. After 3-4 months you will start seeing your new hair growth.
5. How to treat scabs after a hair transplant?
It is very essential to clean your scalp regularly to remove scabs which will promote healing, ensure proper growth of the grafts and prevent scalp scars. Always follow your doctor’s instructions and seek advice regularly. Here are a few tips to effectively remove scabs:
- Hair washes post-surgery: gentle washing of hair with a mild or baby shampoo with minimum chemicals can be started after the 3rd day.
- Saline Spray: This is recommended by doctors to keep the scalp moist, promote healing and reduce the itchy feeling.
- Soaking head in a bathtub: This can be done with lukewarm water and with baby oil for around 45 minutes which will help the scabs to slough off.
- Gentle scalp massage: Gentle hand massage after a week, will reduce scabbing and promote healing. Grafts falling off with scabs may be seen. Never use nails for this as this can dislodge the grafts. This can also be performed in the doctor’s clinic if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself.
- Let scabs dry on their own: Remove only those scabs which can be done by these gentle procedures. Do not forcibly remove the scabs.
- Regular doctor visit: Follow all doctor’s instructions religiously and follow up regularly.
Immediately consult your doctor if there is bleeding, swelling, or pain.
So you see, hair transplant scabs and hair falling out with scabs are nothing you should worry about but removing crust/scabs after hair transplant as per doctor’s instructions are also very important. Need hair transplant in south delhi Skinqure is here to serve you with all the skin and hair services with the best team of doctors and experienced surgeons, a well-equipped clinic with the latest technology, and state-of-art arrangements which are in line with your needs and aspirations. This will ultimately make your surgery a success and transform you into the new look which you have dreamt of. So, don’t wait, just go for it.
In this article
- Hair Transplantation
- FUE hair falling out with scabs
- grafts falling out with scabs
- hair falling out with scabs after hair transplant
- hair transplant hair falling out with scabs
- hair transplant remove scabs
- hair transplant scab removal
- hair transplant scabs falling off with hair
- remove scabs after hair transplant
- removing crust after hair transplant
- removing scabs from the donor area