Melasma Treatment: Unlock Clear, Even Skin

Melasma is a prevalent skin condition. The word means “black spot” when translated loosely. Light brown, dark brown, and/or blue-gray patches on your skin are likely signs of...

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Melasma Treatment

Melasma is a prevalent skin condition. The word means “black spot” when translated loosely. Light brown, dark brown, and/or blue-gray patches on your skin are likely signs of melasma. They may manifest as freckle-like spots or flat patches. Your face, including the cheeks, upper lip, and forehead, as well as your forearms, are frequently impacted. Because it often affects pregnant women, melasma is sometimes referred to as the “mask of pregnancy.” Over time, melasma usually gets lighter and darker, getting better in the winter and worse in the summer. Let’s explore the Melasma removal in Delhi in detail.

Dr. Jangid at SkinQure provides proficient melasma care that is specific for every patient. Applying sophisticated methods and consideration. To get good results, he deals with the underlying causes of melasma. Topical medications, chemical peels, and laser therapy are a few possible treatments that aim to lighten pigmentation and revitalize the skin. We offer melasma treatment in Delhi for successfully managing melasma, with a dedication to patient satisfaction and skin health.

Where is the most common location for melasma?

The most common places for melasma to appear are the forehead, nose, chin, cheeks, and above the upper lip. It can occasionally impact your back, neck, and arms. Actually, any area of your skin that receives sunlight exposure can develop melasma. The melasma specialist in Delhi says that the majority of symptoms get worse in the summer.

Testing and Diagnosis for Melasma removal in Delhi

SkinQure’s melasma specialist in Delhi examines your skin to make the diagnosis of melasma. To observe color changes, he uses a Wood’s lamp, which is a black light. Since there appears to be a link between thyroid disease and melasma, you should have your thyroid examined.

Melasma can occasionally be confused with another skin disorder. To distinguish between various skin conditions, we might perform a biopsy. Melasma removal in Delhi involves removing a tiny portion of your skin and examining it. A biopsy is a simple, safe procedure that is frequently carried out during a routine visit.

Dr. Jangid, a melasma specialist in Delhi states that lichen planus and actinic lichen planus are two skin conditions that are frequently mistaken for melasma.

Common skin conditions that are mistaken for melasma include:

  1. Drug-induced pigmentation
  2. Hypomelanosis with guttate
  3. Exogenous ochronosis caused by hydroquinone
  4. Aging spots, or lentigo
  5. Hori’s Nevus
  6. Ota’s Nevus
  7. Pigmentation caused by inflammation

Does melasma have a cure?

Melasma is difficult to cure. Your healthcare provider must first identify the potential cause of your melasma before deciding on a course of treatment. Is there sunlight? Your contraceptive method? Genetics? Your soap? Overuse of screens? Melasma removal in Delhi may be permanent, disappear on its own, or improve with treatment in a matter of months, depending on the individual. With time and proper protection from sunlight and other light sources, the majority of melasma cases will go away.

Avoid the following if you have melasma:

  1. Hormone treatments, particularly those that use estrogen
  2. Birth control, more especially estrogen and progesterone-containing oral contraceptive pills
  3. LED light from your tablet, smartphone, laptop, and television
  4. Cosmetics that irritate your skin
  5. Drugs that can either cause or exacerbate melasma
  6. Soaps with scents
  7. Products for skin care that irritate
  8. Tanning beds
  9. Waxing may make the melasma worse

Procedure of melasma treatment in Delhi

If melasma treatment in Delhi or medication aren’t working, you have other options. Our dermatologist can perform procedures that could help your melasma.

  1. Light therapy: This melasma treatment in Delhi includes laser therapy and intense light. Although excessive exposure to sunlight or electronic light can result in melasma, light can also be a useful tool for minimizing or eliminating skin discoloration.
  2. Chemical peel: It’s possible that a day spa gave you a peel. Melasma specialist in Delhi also perform one to assist in peeling (removing) damaged skin to make room for new, smoother, more evenly toned skin.
  3. Microneedling: This melasma treatment in Delhi causes tiny skin tears. Your skin can have a uniform tone as it heals.
  4. Platelet-rich plasma: Melasma treatment in Delhi helps even skin by putting a tiny amount of your own blood in a machine that processes it and then injects it back into your body.

Other conditions like hair loss and sports injuries are treated with this kind of therapy.

Advice for Preventing and Treating Melasma

  1. Sunscreen: Even when you’re inside, wear a broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen every day.
  2. Steer clear of direct sunlight: When you can, look for shade and wear hats.
  3. Moisturize: A moisturized skin barrier can look brighter and heal more quickly.
  4. Steer clear of harsh scrubs: To prevent skin irritation, exfoliate gently just 12 times per week.

Over time, these natural remedies for melasma can help lighten dark areas. If you are patient and consistent, these treatments can safely and naturally lighten your skin and lessen melasma. When experimenting with any new ingredient, always remember to conduct a patch test.


Melasma is not harmful to the body, but it can affect emotions. Some people might be ashamed to let others see how their skin looks. Thankfully, melasma usually goes away in three months or less. See your doctor for melasma treatment in Delhi as soon as you notice any symptoms of melasma. The worse the melasma gets, the more difficult it will be for treatments to be effective.

Truth About Melasma treatment

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