Everything You Need to Know About Birthmarks

Are you looking for an effective and safe treatment for birthmark removal? Laser skin birthmark removal procedures can be the best choice for removing vascular lesions (red or...

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is birthmark removal possible?

Are you looking for an effective and safe treatment for birthmark removal? Laser skin birthmark removal procedures can be the best choice for removing vascular lesions (red or pink marks caused by abnormal blood vessels) and black/brown spots. The best thing about laser birthmark removal is that the laser doesn’t cause any permanent damage to the surrounding tissue, while treating the lesions by selectively targeting pigment or blood vessels.


Table of content

  1. Types of Birthmark Removal Procedures
  2. Ideal Candidates for Birthmark Removal Procedures
  3. Before Treatment Care
  4. Is Anesthesia Required?
  5. After Treatment Care
  6. What Results Can I Expect After a Birthmark Removal Procedure?
  7. How Many Sessions are Needed to notice Results?
  8. Possible Side Effects
  9. Recovery
  10. Birthmark Removal Treatments Cost
  11. Takeaway


Types of Birthmark Removal Procedures

Our physical attributes may go a long way for us or against us in countless ways, especially when they are on the body’s noticeable areas. All in all, it is these noticeable physical features that determine our extent of self-confidence, self-acceptance and shape our personalities.

Interestingly, birthmarks can be a blessing for some of us and a curse for others. No wonder, the famous cheek moles of Cindy Crawford, Marilyn Monroe, and Eva Mendes are perfect examples of how birthmarks can build careers and characters. However, unwanted birthmarks can harm the physical, social, and emotional development of an individual. If you are someone who is not comfortable living with a birthmark, you can opt for a laser birthmark removal procedure.

The range of vascular and pigmented skin birthmarks is quite extensive. They can come in a range of shapes, sizes, and colours (from black to red, blue, purple, and brown). Some birthmarks (port wine stains, salmon patches, etc.) don’t fade and tend to darken over time, while others (Mongolian blue spots, strawberry marks, and angel kisses) may lighten or fade with age. On the other hand, birthmarks such as facial hemangiomas can grow over time and cause health issues.

Can birthmarks be removed? Laser resurfacing  (ablative or non-ablative) can be used for pigmented and vascular birthmarks. For many types of moles, the surgeon may recommend punch excisions, surgical excisions, and shave excisions.

Contact us now for the birthmarks removal with the best laser for birthmarks treatment.



Ideal Candidates for Birthmark Removal Procedures

You are an ideal candidate for birthmark removal procedures if:

  • You have well-hydrated, slightly oily skin, or healthy skin
  • You aren’t prone to keloid formation (excessive growth of scar tissue)
  • You aren’t taking blood-thinning medications such as warfarin or heparin.


Before Treatment Care

  • Your doctor will guide you on how to keep skin moisturised before laser resurfacing and light therapy treatments. For this, a hydrating lotion and consumption of plenty of water may be recommended. You will also be asked not to go out under the sun to avoid sunburn.
  • You will be asked not to smoke for at least 4-6 weeks before being treated.
  • Medications such as herbal supplements, blood-thinning medications, and topical creams should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks before the treatment day.


Is Anesthesia Required?

Anesthesia may be required for birthmark removal procedures, depending on the treatment. Usually, topical anesthesia is used for both light therapy removal and laser resurfacing treatments. Local anesthesia may be given for mole removal treatments such as surgical excision, punch excision, and shave excision to provide relief from pain and discomfort to patients during the surgery.


After Treatment Care

  • You may experience mild pain, discomfort, or slight to moderate sunburn in the treated area after laser resurfacing or light therapy treatment. They will generally subside within a day on their own or your doctor may give you antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, or painkillers. 
  • It is suggested that you should avoid prolonged sun exposure and hot water for up to 2-3 days after the laser resurfacing or light therapy procedure.
  • You should avoid strenuous exercises or any intense activity that may lead to excessive sweating.
  • You will be asked to protect the treated area from water, sweat, and dirt.
  • You’ll have to dress the wound and change the dressing every two to three days.



What Results Can I Expect After a Birthmark Removal Procedure?

The primary purpose of a skin birthmark removal procedure is to either completely remove or reduce the appearance of a birthmark. Light therapy and laser resurfacing treatments can be excellent choices for fading the appearance of birthmarks.


How Many Sessions are Needed to See Results?

Patients can expect a permanent and total removal of skin birthmarks with surgical excision. They can expect significant results after a single session with shave excision or punch excision. In rare cases, moles grow back after a session of shave excision or punch excision, and they can appear larger and darker than before. In such cases, the doctor may recommend surgical excision as the final resort for permanently removing the moles.

With laser resurfacing, results can be achieved within 3-8 sessions of skin birthmark removal treatment, with each session spaced at least 3-5 weeks apart. On the other hand, light therapy starts demonstrating results with 3-8 sessions in the majority of cases with each session 4-6 weeks apart.


Possible Side Effects

In rare instances, patients can expect pain, discomfort, or temporary bruising. Anesthesia is usually administered either topically (during intense pulsed light therapy or laser resurfacing) or locally (during punch, surgical, or shave excision) to provide comfort to patients during surgery. Painkiller medications such as Ibuprofen may be given to you to manage the symptoms.  Patients don’t usually experience birthmark removal scar after the procedure.

Lightening of the skin or mild temporary bruising may be experienced by some patients and there is nothing to worry about. It only shows that the laser treatment is working effectively.



Patients can expect a smooth and easy recovery from skin birthmark removal treatments with very little to no pain or discomfort.

Patients opting for a laser resurfacing procedure are usually advised to stay at home for 3-5 days after the procedure as the skin tends to appear slightly swollen or red and any exposure to the sun may aggravate the situation.Patients can apply gentle facial moisturiser, if they experience peeling, flaking, or dryness.

Light therapy patients should ideally use moist clothing or cool packs for reducing the sensation and mild swelling in the treatment areas if they experience a stinging sensation.

In the case of a shave excision procedure, patients should keep the skin dry for at least a day and protect the treated area from sun exposure. The healing period for them is around 6-8 days.

Patients opting for punch excisions or surgical excisions can make a return to their routine schedule after 5-7 days post-treatment.


What Do Birthmark Removal Treatments Cost?

The estimated cost of birthmark removal by laser resurfacing is INR 70,000-2,10,000 and the estimated cost of birthmark removal by light therapy is INR 25,000-35,000. Mole removal procedures such as shave excisions, punch excisions, and surgical excisions may cost around INR 10,000-30,000. 

It is worthwhile to note that the exact cost may vary from one clinic to another and from one city to another. Moreover, the final pricing is dependent on factors such as the type of procedure, the qualifications of the surgeon/doctor, the success rate of the skincare clinic, the general and overall health of the patient, the response of the patient’s body to treatment and medications, etc.



The results of skin birthmark removal are astonishing and well worth the treatment cost. If you are wondering how to proceed with laser surgery birthmark removal,  light therapy, red birthmark on face removal, or white birthmark removal, it is time for you to contact us now to choose the best laser birthmark removal treatment.



1^ What Types of Birthmark Removal Procedures Are There? | Aedit.com | December 18, 2020

2^ After Treatment Care | Rch.org.au | December 18, 2020

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