What is Glomus Tumor? How are Glomus Tumors treated?

A Glomus Tumor is a rare, usually benign, soft tissue neoplasm. The glomus apparatus (or glomus body) is a part of the dermal layer of the skin and...

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What is Glomus Tumor?

A Glomus Tumor is a rare, usually benign, soft tissue neoplasm. The glomus apparatus (or glomus body) is a part of the dermal layer of the skin and is thought to aid in temperature regulation. When exposed to cold temperatures, the glomus body moves blood away from the skin’s surface to reduce heat loss. While they are located all over the body, glomus apparatus are found in higher concentrations in the fingers and toes. Abnormal growth of a glomus body results in Glomus Tumors. It is a non-cancerous growth of your glomus body which results in temperature sensitivity, tender pain etc. However, it can be easily removed by a simple surgery when advised by your doctor.

Glomus Tumor

Causes and symptoms of Glomus Tumor

Glomus tumor is caused due to abnormal growth of the glomus body which is usually seen in the age group of 20 years to 50 years. Although it is more frequent in young adults. The aetiology of a glomus tumor is not determined but there are some thoughts about having a hereditary link. More common in women, 70% of Glomus Tumors are present in the hand with the clear majority occurring underneath the nail bed. Most of the nodules are solitary but can occur in clusters. Glomus Tumors represent 1 to 5% of all soft tissue tumors in the hand and fingers. The following are some common symptoms of glomus tumor – Glomus Tumors usually present as a small, firm, reddish-blue bump underneath the fingernail. These lesions are usually quite small, less than 7mm in diameter. They can be extremely painful, sensitive to temperature change, and tender on palpation. The pain is often worse at night and can be relieved by applying a tourniquet. The mass can cause the nail bed to grow irregularly with ridging possible.

Glomus Tumor Treatment

Glomus Tumors often require a specialist for accurate diagnosis. Upon examination, the mass may appear as a bluish lesion under the nail or in the fingertip pulp. There may be an abnormal ridge in the nail, swelling at the tip and the nodule will be tender to touch. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is the gold standard for diagnosis. Now, after careful examination and diagnosis, surgical excision of the tumor is the only treatment. The surgery is about 15-20 minutes wherein the nail is removed to apply the incision in the exposed nailbed, and the tumor is removed. The site is sutured closed and bandaged. The symptoms of pain and cold intolerance are immediately relieved, and the nail will grow back to a normal appearance in 3 to 4 months. If you are looking for Glomus Tumor treatment / Surgery in Delhi, then Visit SkinQure, A leading Skin & Hair care Clinic equiped with advanced technology and expert dermatologists.


So, this is all you need to know about glomus tumors and their treatment. Although h it is a non-cancerous growth on your nailbed but still needs to be addressed and treated immediately in order to avoid pain and temperature sensitivity.



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